I developed my business with the help of MFW and with the support of my husband. I am very proud of myself and everything I accomplished.
Hitham Al-Edani - Bayader
- > 120,150 active borrowers
- >113,009 active borrowers are women
- Total amount of loans disbursed is > 93,4526,053 JOD
- Repayment rate is >93.9%
- > 1,631,009 loans
- > 33 international and local awards
- > 63 branches
- > 790 employees
- > 580 employees are women
Mariam managed to better her family’s financial status by securing an extra income through her dairy products business.
The 43-year-old Mariam said that after obtaining Tadamon fund from Microfund for Women, she could buy the needed ingredients and equipment to start manufacturing these products.
She praised her experience with Microfund for Women, which allowed her to start this humble business that has a positive effect o her family of 6.