Four years ago, I began my journey with MFW and started my dairy business. I renewed my loan a few times and thankfully, my family and I are reaping the benefits of my project’s success.
Nofoth Abdulrahman - Ajloun
- > 133,629 active borrowers
- >126,418 active borrowers are women
- Total amount of loans disbursed is > 28,947,152
- Repayment rate is >91.6%
- > 33,781 loans
- > 32 international and local awards
- > 63 branches
- > 793 employees
- > 580 employees are women
The beneficiary gained her experience from her mother, who, a long time ago, worked in making and retouching the Jordanian Kaffiyeh, which is an essential part of the Jordanian heritage. Being good at it, Majidah decided to start a project producing premium-quality Jordanian Kaffiyeh in commercial quantities to be sold to tourists in Jerash and students in different universities. With this plan in mind, she approached MFW to get the needed loan to begin her project. After the first loan and the success she achieved, she was granted several more loans and kept expanding the project. She bought more raw materials to increase production, sales revenue and profit margin. The generated profit improved the family’s economic and social status and was also used to pay for the children’s education in schools and universities.