I developed my business with the help of MFW and with the support of my husband. I am very proud of myself and everything I accomplished.
Hitham Al-Edani - Bayader
- > 133,629 active borrowers
- >126,418 active borrowers are women
- Total amount of loans disbursed is > 28,947,152
- Repayment rate is >91.6%
- > 33,781 loans
- > 32 international and local awards
- > 63 branches
- > 793 employees
- > 580 employees are women
Maisa` started her home project selling antiques and household appliances four years ago, then obtained funding from Microfund for Women to open a supermarket. She moved the business from her home to the shop, which became a significant source of income for her and her family of 5, especially since it was the only supermarket within her area from which all the residents of the area bought.
She was very grateful to Microfund for Women, which stood by and helped her grow her plan and transform it from a home project into an independent supermarket.
She encourages all women to start their projects and business with the help of Microfund for women and benefit from the financial support and the non-monetary services MFW provides.