I used the loan I got from MFW to buy supplies in order to make my swings and sell my products. I rented a space as my project and customer base grew. I even have customers in the West Bank!

Farah Al-Khaffaji - Naour

  • > 133,629 active borrowers
  • >126,418 active borrowers are women
  • Total amount of loans disbursed is > 28,947,152
  • Repayment rate is >91.6%
  • > 33,781 loans
  • > 32 international and local awards
  • > 63 branches
  • > 793 employees
  • > 580 employees are women

Fayzah R

Fayzah Al-Rababha managed to improve her family’s source of income by selling Russian gold, makeup, and accessories to her neighbors, where she lives in Zizya.

The 46-year-old- Fayza said that she managed to start her business after obtaining the needed financing from Microfund for Women, which enabled her to buy the required products at a competitive price. And in the future, she hopes to grow her business to increase her income.