Altibbi application was very beneficial during the Corona period, it helped us reach much needed medical support and advice over the phone.

Hanan Al-Khesbah - Al-Tafilah

  • > 133,629 active borrowers
  • >126,418 active borrowers are women
  • Total amount of loans disbursed is > 28,947,152
  • Repayment rate is >91.6%
  • > 33,781 loans
  • > 32 international and local awards
  • > 63 branches
  • > 793 employees
  • > 580 employees are women


When asked about his experience with Microfund for Women, Adwan Bani Ismail (Abu Abdullah), who also works at MFW in Ajloun, said, “Exquisite, if it were anything less than that, I wouldn’t be back!”

The 50-year-old Adwan said that he obtained 2 “Intilaqati” loans that allowed him to start selling cosmetics and accessories for men and women.

Adwan pointed out that the modest profits from his business secured enough income to meet the needs of his family of 9 and pay off their basic expenses.